CV templates – get in front of the Hiring Manager and past the robots

CV templates – get in front of the Hiring Manager and past the robots After reading (at a conservative estimate) 10-15 CVs per working day over a 20 year period, it’s safe to say, I have seen some excellent ones and some not so good ones. Sadly the poor ones outweigh the stand-out ones, which[…]

Interviews – preparation & actual meeting!

Interviews – preparation & actual meeting! Interviews – I don’t think there are many people that wholeheartedly embrace interviews, even those that purport to love them, I think that’s either a foolhardy or slightly off-key attitude!  Even those that are practiced interviewers, will admit that they aren’t really a fan of them, if they’re very[…]

Quality &/or quantity?

I know from previous experience, if I have been out of work there is a huge tendency to apply for any job that looks remotely suitable, mainly out of sheer panic!  The order of the day is usually something like this: 1) Put the kettle on 2) Check the over night responses from previous jobs[…]