UNION officials say they want to strengthen the mining workforce in Mount Isa after Glencore employees voted in favor of a new company deal. Steve Baker, secretary of the Queensland branch of the AWU, said Glencore was giving up its workforce with its nefarious deal. If no agreement is reached, the employer may, after these steps, issue the employee with a written instruction for paid or paid annual leave. The concept of the temporary model implies the employer`s right to ask an employee to take excessive annual leave, but also provides that an employee receives excessively paid annual leave, but does not take any direction for employers. The proposed corporate agreements for the Mount Isa mines and the Ernest Henry mine were rejected by glencore`s workforce. Please give your opinion before Thursday, July 9 at 17:00. WALGA Employee Relations` preliminary view is that these are welcome changes as they allow a local employer to agree on how an employee can use their annual discounts. Please note that these provisions only apply to employees under the LGIA or a contract of enterprise if the terms of the LGIA are contained in that company agreement. Proposed Provisions The proposed provision, which allows employers to order an employee to take “excessive” annual leave, is available here.
The proposed provisions on the payment of annual leave and the prior granting of annual leave have been published as draft decisions and can be found here. The original decision of the Plenary Formation can be taken here. Please email WALGA Employee Relations or call (08) 9213 2014 if you have any comments or questions. EU officials say they want to boost mining in Mount Isa after Glencore employees voted for a new company deal. “The number of votes required to approve the deal has not been reached,” O`Neill said. Excessive Annual Boundaries – New Model Concept – Appendix 2 There have been some changes in the name of the model published by the FWC in the previous decision in June. The proposed excessive annual leave provisions describe the following: An employer is required to meet with an employee and discuss measures to reduce or eliminate excessive leave before asking workers to take leave. Walga, on behalf of the Local Government Sector in Western Australia and the Northern Territory, made requests for the inclusion of provisions that would allow the payment of annual leave to the LGIA. These observations were submitted in April 2014 in collaboration with other local associations in the state and territory.
The Plenum of the Fair Work Board also made a preliminary decision to include a provision allowing employers to grant leave from the previous year and deduct the amounts for anyone who still needs to be deducted from severance pay within the LGIA. However, an employer cannot deduct amounts for the remaining leave to be paid if the employee and the employer have agreed to take their leave in advance. The Fair Work Board plenum also made a preliminary decision to include a provision allowing employers to perform an employee in combinations of “excessive” annual leave. Interested parties are required to submit written submissions to the Fair Work Board no later than Mondays 1.m and 3 July on the text of the proposed provisions and whether the proposed provisions should be included in all modern distinctions (including the AGIA). Walga Employee Relations is seeking comments from industry on the wording of the proposed provisions and the inclusion of the proposed provisions in the AGIA. We will then consider submitting a written statement on behalf of the local government sector. “Mount Isa Mines confirms that the proposed corporate agreement has been approved by the workforce with a majority vote, and we will now implement our new agreement to the entire Mount Isa Mines EA workforce. “(Monday and Tuesday) our EA staff voted on whether or not to accept the terms set out in the agreement,” the spokesman said. Under Glencore`s ABE proposal, which will be voted on, workers at the Mount Isa mine would not benefit from a guaranteed wage increase for the duration of the deal, while failing to take action on other key issues facing the workforce. Baker said UTA remains willing and willing to negotiate a workplace agreement that establishes a fair wage increase and working conditions for UTA members while securing the long-term future of Mount Isa Mines.
Another concern was the abolition of four agreements (mining, metallurgy, services and Black Star Open Cut) – instead, the new EA opted for a framework agreement. He said the API is open to “interpretation, bias and is subjective rather than objective.” A spokesman for Mount Isa Mines said the company has worked over the past five months in consultation with its EA staff to determine the terms of the new EA. “If the agreement is passed, it means four long years without a single guaranteed salary increase for hard-working UTA members.” UTA members at Mount Isa Mines are doing difficult work that brings huge profits to Glencore. Harding said the “burning and contentious issues” are performance-based compensation with an individual performance agreement within the new EA. “We make it clear to all our members: until Glencore comes back to the table with a decent offer that sets a raise, they should give this EBA the treatment it deserves by rejecting it. “Glencore makes $15.8 billion – they can afford to pay their workers a pay raise,” he said. “We will keep them to their obligations in the EA,” he said. The UTA did not give precise figures, but said about two-thirds of the workforce voted “no.” “We`re not here to make businesses unproductive or unprofitable – we just want our members to get paid what they deserve.” Until Glencore treats its employees seriously with the respect they deserve, our members will continue to make it clear that this is simply not enough. “The terms of the current 2015 Company Agreement on Mount Isa Mines remain in effect as discussions continue,” O`Neill said. “The idea that Glencore can make a $15 billion profit but can`t afford to pay a pay raise to its employees is simply ridiculous.” It was very close, but it led to an affirmation,” Harding said.
However, he acknowledged that some found the implementation of an IPA positive. “Glencore`s proposed deal is a real kick in the teeth for local workers.” A major concern was the compensation package, which is left to the discretion of the company and not a fixed salary increase,” Harding said. “Many feared that the API would be open to preferential treatment from regulators.” The UTA is back in Canberra this week to protect workers from exposure to quartz dust, ahead of the report of the National Working Group on Dust Diseases, including meetings with key members of the government, opposition and Crossbench to discuss silicosis. “The least they earn is a fair wage increase that helps them cope with the cost of living and reward their hard work.” Western Australia and Queensland are in full swing over the next three years, with major road and rail projects that have triggered a boom. “Unfortunately, Glencore has demonstrated time and time again that it is simply not interested in doing the right thing for its staff and our members. M. Harding said the AWU will ensure Glencore delivers on its commitment to the EE. A “large percentage of the workforce did not participate in the vote” and Harding believed that not voting was their way of protesting. But the voting system did not take into account employees who had not voted.